全效保濕安瓶精華液 40mL*2入
補水保濕、舒緩修護、緊緻延緩肌膚老化、提亮肌膚、細緻毛孔五大功效,無香料色素 添加。 植物性玻尿酸提供長效全面性多元補水保濕配方,長效維持肌膚水潤,防止肌膚水份散失及乾燥脫屑問題,舒緩乾燥敏弱肌膚。 Multi-Hydrating Moisturizing Formula for long-lasting skin hydration and soothes dry and sensitive skin. Rice extract is rich in amino acids, moisturizing factors and vitamins. It can deeply moisturize and maintain skin water and oil balance, effectively dilute dull and white skin. Adding botanical hyaluronic acid provides long-lasting comprehensive deep moisturizing, infiltrating and refreshing, providing long-lasting moisturizing and high-kinetic nerve-amine repair formula, comprehensively repairing deep into the skin, strengthening keratin water-holding ability, maintaining skin moisturizing state. To prevent skin moisture loss and dry desquamation problems. Vitamin B5 soothes dry, sensitive and weak skin, effectively repairs and strengthens skin's resistance.