防曬隔離粉底三合一 (防曬~遮暇~潤色~提亮)
物理性高係數防曬SPF50+★★★ 同時兼具長時間持妝
滿足全方位的需求。根據亞洲人肌膚特別研製,外再修飾、內在保養,美妝同時養膚,使上妝更貼膚,妝容持久不脫妝,成就完美肌膚。 擁有自然透亮的完美膚質。展現高機能保濕親膚功效,修飾毛孔與瑕疵,讓肌膚由內而外透亮無暇! 高係數防護,清爽零油膩感,溫和舒適不泛白自動校正膚色 不黏膩~持粧一整天~抗汗、均勻膚色 孕婦、敏感肌、雷射手術後可以使用 CC Cream SPF50+ meets all your needs. Specially designed for Asian women, this complete correction cream provides good coverage, while caring for the health of your skin. High-degree fusion with your skin helps you achieve perfect complexion and long-lasting effect of natural and translucent skin tone. Ultra-hydrating ingredients effectively condition your skin to minimize pores and visible marks and bring out natural radiance from inside out. 100% physical sunscreen. Sun protection. Blocking. Brightening. Foundation + skincare. Correction. Moisturizing. Pore and marks correction. Lasting foundation.物理性高係數防曬SPF50+★★★ 同時兼具長時間持妝
滿足全方位的需求。根據亞洲人肌膚特別研製,外再修飾、內在保養,美妝同時養膚,使上妝更貼膚,妝容持久不脫妝,成就完美肌膚。 擁有自然透亮的完美膚質。展現高機能保濕親膚功效,修飾毛孔與瑕疵,讓肌膚由內而外透亮無暇! 高係數防護,清爽零油膩感,溫和舒適不泛白自動校正膚色 不黏膩~持粧一整天~抗汗、均勻膚色 孕婦、敏感肌、雷射手術後可以使用 CC Cream SPF50+ meets all your needs. Specially designed for Asian women, this complete correction cream provides good coverage, while caring for the health of your skin. High-degree fusion with your skin helps you achieve perfect complexion and long-lasting effect of natural and translucent skin tone. Ultra-hydrating ingredients effectively condition your skin to minimize pores and visible marks and bring out natural radiance from inside out. 100% physical sunscreen. Sun protection. Blocking. Brightening. Foundation + skincare. Correction. Moisturizing. Pore and marks correction. Lasting foundation.